Micro-needling is one of the most popular non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatments. A quick, simple, and effective treatment for skin tightening, acne scarring and anti-ageing, micro-needling can be done either as a stand-alone treatment or in combination with other techniques such as mesotherapy, and chemical peels.

Frequently Asked Questions

Micro-needling is a non-surgical procedure for facial rejuvenation which involves the use of a needling device to create controlled skin injury.

The control injury triggers the body to feel micro-wounds to produce new collagen and elastin in the deeper layers of the skin (dermis). In addition, new capillaries are formed then leads to the reduction of scarring and skin rejuvenation & improves skin texture and firmness.

You will have a slight redness and inflammation, but this will calm down after 24 hours.

Yes – we often perform micro-needling treatments in the Skin Health Clinic in combination with other techniques such as mesotherapy, chemical peels and injectables. Your practitioner will advise you during your consultation about which treatments are most suitable for your skin.

A topical numbing cream can be applied to the skin prior to any treatment. This means that the procedure is comfortable, and discomfort is minimal.

As with any aesthetic treatment, sun exposure should be avoided for 3 weeks prior to any treatment. We also advise to stop retinol based skincare for 3 days prior to the treatment.

You will have a slight redness due to a healing response inflammation but this will usually calm down after 12-14 hours. A mineral-based makeup (oxygenetix, skin better-tinted mineral SPF) may be used immediately post-procedure.

Following the micro-needling treatment we generally advise to use only medical grade skincare and to avoid anything too harsh on the skin, such as strong retinoids and acids. SPF is essential for the days following the treatment.

Usually, we advise to complete an initial course of 4-6 treatments, once per month, and then a maintenance session every 3-6 months thereafter. Certain conditions, such as acne scarring may require more sessions for optimal results.

Yes – research has shown that micro-needling is effective in reducing the appearance of acne scars.  This is a process so don’t expect dramatic results overnight though! Usually, a course of treatments is needed to achieve the best possible result.

Yes – Micro-needling is known as a ‘collagen induction therapy’, i.e., it stimulates a response in your body to increase levels of collagen and elastin in the dermis of the skin. As a result, fine lines and wrinkles can appear reduced after a course of treatments.

Micro-needling, using a needle pen, can help to reduce hyper- pigmentation by breaking up the pigment below the skin surface. Micro-needling does a great job of lightening and reversing hyper-pigmentation and sun damage. This is due to the power of collagen production and its ability to repair and restore your skin. Some research suggests that micro-needling is a very effective therapy for sunspots.

140 Euro per session

Microneedling sessions are with Fidelma and Joe


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